Pehli Kiran Schools takes vulnerable children off the streets, and into schools, providing them with opportunities to learn and grow, and to be kids once again.


Community Schools

1.4 M USD

Funds Collected


No Of Donors


Students Enrolled


Total Students Impacted

Our success over the last 25 years

Pehli Kiran Schools (PKS) takes children off the street and puts them in school. Over 10,000 children have been enrolled since its first school opened in 1995, with a track record of 90% pass rate on government board exams. PKS has changed mindsets and transformed communities in recognizing the value of education.

June 30th, 2021 Target

RAISED SO FAR RS.20,150,000

For Cash & Cheque (Check) Deposit

Bank Account Title: "Jamshed Akhtar Qureshi Education Trust"
Bank Account Number: 01406-02-01-002051-6
Swift Code: MUCBPKKA
Iban Number: PK73MUCB0140602010020516
Bank Address: Muslim Commercial Bank, F-10 Markaz Branch,
Islamabad, Pakistan.

For donations in PKR please make cheque payable to “Jamshed Akhtar Qureshi Education Trust” and mail to

Pehli Kiran Schools, Central Head Office
Address: House # 182, Street 12, E-11/4, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
Telephone Number: +92 300 855 4110
Email Address:


Donations For Eid-al-Adha Eid-al-Adha and Its Message

Mentioned in the Holy Quran, Prophet Ibrahim (as) had a vision that he offered his son Isma'eel (as) in sacrifice to Allah (SWT). When he shared this dream with his son, Isma'eel (as) said: "O my father! Do as you are commanded: you will find me, if Allah so wills, of the patient ones.’’ When he carried out the commandment, Allah (SWT) replaced Isma’eel (as) with a lamb.

To remember his bravery and to follow the piety and example of one of the greatest men of Islam, Qurbani is considered a highly rewardable act of worship as explained by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The true message of Eid-al-Adha is that along with Sacrificing an animal we must develop a spirit of sacrifice in our self so that whenever Humanity needs help we all must come forward and help mankind. This is the true message of Qurbani.

“So that they may avail benefits for themselves, and invoke the Name of Allah as well (whilst slaughtering) over the cattle which Allah has provided for them (for sacrifice), during the appointed days. Then eat them yourselves and feed the distressed and the needy.” (Al-Haj 22/28)

DONATION APPEAL FOR PEHLI KIRAN SCHOOLS Pehli Kiran Schools, a Project of the JAQ Education Trust, is providing quality education and an exciting learning experience to over 3,000+ deserving, underprivileged children from the most deprived, unserved communities in Pakistan.

It provides free education to the deserving children living in slums with the help of donations received from donors across the world. There are thousands of children who are in dire need of your donations and support.

This Eid-al-Adha, you can contribute to the welfare of children by allowing them to enjoy Eid celebrations.

Frequently Asked Questions About Eid-al-Adha/Qurbani

Qurbani/Udhiya is an act of sacrifice of an animal for the pleasure of Allah (SWT). The Qurbani takes place on the 10th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah until the sun sets on the 12th of Dhul-Hijjah, which marks the completion of the annual Hajj pilgrimage. The best time to perform the act of Qurbani is immediately after the completion of the Eid-al-Adha prayers. To honor the tradition of the Prophet Ibrahim (Alaihis Salaam), Muslims sacrifice an animal and distribute the meat to those in need.
According to Islamic teachings, the meat of the Qurbani sacrifice is shared equally in three parts between

  • Family members of the person performing Qurbani.
  • Relatives and friends.
  • The poor and most vulnerable.
According to most Muslims Qurbani is obligatory upon every sane male/female that has wealth in excess to his/her needs. Normally those who are eligible to pay Zakat tend to give a Qurbani - Nisab is the value of excess wealth which makes a Muslim liable for Zakat. Qurbani is given purely for the pleasure of Allah and there is a great blessing in doing so.
The following animals can be sacrificed; goats, sheep, cattle, and camels. It is necessary the following ruling applies, animals that are younger are not suitable for Qurbani:
  • Goat; one (full) year old, whether male or female.
  • Cow, Bull or Buffalo; two years old.
  • Camel; five years.
  • Sheep (of any kind); no less than six months old. If it is six months and is strong and healthy, this will suffice for Qurbani, otherwise, it will have to be one (full) year old.
One Qurbani or sacrifice is required by each person and different animals have varying shares.
  • 1 sheep or goat = 1 Qurbani
  • 1 cow = 7 Qurbanis (1 Qurbani – 1/7th of the share)
You can make as many Qurbanis as you want – for example, two or three shares in a cow – and on behalf of as many individuals as you like, including those who have passed away.

Our School System

'Pehli Kiran' means 'the first ray of light'. Our school system is a network of ten community schools which provide quality primary education to

3,000+ deserving children

PKS serves the unserved and forgotten children of Pakistan’s neglected slums.

We provide schooling access to the most difficult to reach, out-of-school, destitute children. PKS uses an innovative approach by taking schools to the ‘katchi Abadi’ (urban slum) communities, and moving with them when they are evicted by local authorities. PKS establishes mobile school sheds in Katchi Abadis (slum areas) of Islamabad in response to the needs of these transient, nomadic communities. Through individual philanthropy and crowdfunding, we raise funds to give quality education, skills, and opportunities to these needy children, who rightfully deserve the chance of a better tomorrow.

Take school to the Community
to ensure access and retention and provide kids with opportunities to learn and grow.
Mobile Infrastructure that moves
with the Community when evicted - “the school that stays with you” and prevents dropouts.
High-quality education model, using
Montessori approach, embraces diverse styles and pathways to learning, and realizes that every kid's initial learning venture is unique.

Bring Hope, Empower a life, Make a difference.

Sponsor a child's Education for one full year.
Donate US$ 100 or PKR 15,000.
Sponsor a classroom (of 30 Students) for one full year.
Donate US$ 3000 or PKR 450,000.
PKS School

What Our Students Say

Pehli Kiran Schools, a project of the JAQ Education Trust which is registered under the Trust Act (II of) 1882 of Pakistan

FBR Tax Exemption PCP Certificate

Our Partners Are Our Support

Let Us Start Investing in the Most Deserving

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